These are some of the photos that Ross Hall from California has sent to me. Ross was with 513 when the Section was formed in 1966. If you can help Ross or me identify these people, please get in touch with us.
Lt. JG May from New Orleans on right and behind May is CO George Farnham
Relaxing at the club on right is CO Farnham and left of fan is Lt.
JG May
PO2 Robinson (facing camera) Johnny Brooks-white tee shirt and cigarette
A VN trainee
Tony B. Heatherly, Butch Sturgeon in marine cap and Johnny Brooks standing
heading out on station Hal Hicks standing on gunnels
Johnny Brooks
guy on right with hat is Butch Sturgeon
Dan Johnson with sunglasses on
Good shot of a PBR MK I
Standing by the aft 50 cal.
Art Stesen on 50's, by flag Johnny Brooks, aft 50 Butch Sturgeon
SM1 "Bobcat" Braden on left and Bob Garnett on the right, and Brown in
the middle
Mercatroid in the middle and on right is "Bronco" Broncolli
A rough looking bunch
Standing watch with the .12 GA
PO2 Robinson and Bill Marion on
forward guns.
Chief Ross Hall
Russell McConkey