These photos are from Mike Antonio from Billings, Mt. who just recently found our web-page. Mike was in 513 from 8/68-9/69. Mike's contribution to our web-site is really appreciated. His photos are of some of the guys and places that he took during this time. He has identified some of these guys, but we need help identifying the other guys. If you know any names of these guys, please help us out. Mike had a unique distinction of being in the second longest fire fight recorded in PBR history. Thanks so much Mike for contributing to our web-site.
VN NEWS LETTER from Mike also tells what River Division 513 was doing during November of 1968. Very interesting reading and thanks Mike for the contribution.
Mike Antonio Munize, Antonio and Mendenhall
Jon "Mike" Barker Dan Mendenhall
Mike, Help, Jackson Yeoman Ed Strzalkowski
Antonio, Williams, Harry Cowden, Marshall Dan Mendenhall
Mike Antonio and friends Williams, Marshall, Ellsworth, Doty
Marshall Mike with gun and Harry Cowden
Dock at Binh Thuy after one of many fire fights.
Jackson, boat captain, and Mike The Shark's Den at Binh Thuy
Munize and Mendenhall A huge weapons seizure