David Taylor hosted the 2006 mini reunion of River Division 513 at his home in King, North Carolina. The reunion was from June 28th until July 2, 2006. Several members came, including Billy Moore of Mt. Olive Alabama, Phil Yocum of Summitville Ohio, Jack Anderson of Chouteau Oklahoma and Steve Bingham of Denton North Carolina. David, Phil, Billy and Jack all took off one day to go up and see David's old boat captain Roy Howell who lives in Dillwyn, VA.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
(7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
1. Ray Howell, Jack Anderson, Billy Moore
2. Billy Moore, Phil Yocum, Roy Howell, Jack Anderson
3. Jack Anderson, Roy Howell, Billy Moore, David Taylor
4. (Left to Right) Jack Anderson, Billy Moore, Steve Bingham, David
Taylor, Larry Collins (Gunships), Phil Yocum
5. Bobbie Collins
6. Jack Anderson
7. Billy Moore
8. David Taylor
9. Phil Yocum
10. Larry Collins
11. (Left to Right) Phil Yocum, Larry Collins, David Taylor, Billy Moore,
Jack Anderson, Russell Brown (Cuban Missile Crisis)
12. (Left to Right) Helen Brown, Bobbie Collins, Judy Taylor, Ginny Long,
Martha Brown