These photos were sent to me by Doyle Hensley who now lives Washington Court House, Ohio. We hope that these photos will bring back some memories for the guys in 513. At the time 513 was working off the USS Harnett County LST 821 and was patrolling the Ba Sac River and also were based at Sa Dec.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
(7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
(13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18)
(19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24)
(25) (26) (27)
1. Hensley cleaning twin 50's.
2. Look out tower Sa Dec.
3. Two houches in Sa Dec compound.
4. Hensley and houch maid.
5. Sa Dec.
6. Sa Dec.
7. Sa Dec.
8. Damaged PBR. Can't remember location, maybe Sa Dec.
9. Hensley on Harnett County.
10. Ba Sac River.
11. USS Harnett County LST 821.
12. Hank ?, last name can't remember.
13. Wounded kid being treated by Doc along side Harnett County.
14. Crain and Fuller by Seawolf Chopper.
15. Fuller and Hensley.
16. Pena with 55 gal. drum cut down for use to fire 60mm mortar from boat.
17. Tom Bartholmew.
18. PBR 113 hit on canal off Co Chein River.
19. Two houches in Sa Dec compund - Gil Graham's head.
20. PBR 100 after ambush in canal while operating off Harnett County.
21. Hensley standing over wounded shipmate waiting on Med-Evac choppers. June 5, 1967.
22. Hensley after ambush. Note 3 shipmates WIA waiting on Med-Evac choppers.
23. PBR 100 and other PBR that had been hit. Tide went out while we were waiting on med-evac choppers. I was the forward gunner during ambush.
24. PBR 100
25. PBR 100
26. PBR 100
27. Section 513